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New Form I-9 - HR ALERTS

USCIS Extends Form I-9 Expiration - New For I-9

Woman with clipboard next to large form and pencil
Effective: Now

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services USCIS have updated the Form I-9, extending the expiration date of the form to 5/31/2027, which previously was 7/31/2026.

Both the new and old form still have an edition date of 8/1/2023, and so either are still valid, at least until their respective expiration dates. Best practice would be for employers to start moving over to the new form as soon as possible, however this is not required until 7/31/2026, the expiration date of the old form.

Previously, before the Form I-9 was updated in 8/31/2023, the previous form had been extended far beyond its expiration date, so it’s likely that this change was made to avoid a similar situation, as the USCIS likely has no plans to update the form for some time.

The Form I-9 can be found on the USCIS website here.

  Get day-to-day updates on the Current and New Form I-9 visit the Vida HR Knowledge Center (Vida HR Clients Exclusive).



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