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Image by Joshua Forbes
 November 2022 
2023 Compliance Webinar
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Colorado Separation Notice Requirement

Earlier this year, Governor Polis passed a law requiring Colorado employers to provide exiting employees with a separation notice at their time of separation, whether voluntary or involuntary. 

The written notice requirements include the following:

  • Employer Name and Address

  • Employee Name and Address

  • Employee’s Start Date and Last Day Worked

  • Employee’s Year-to-date earnings

  • Employee's Wages for Last Week Worked

  • The Reason for the Employee Separation

Vida HR provided our clients with a compliant template until the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment issued their own version of a compliant form. 

Colorado has now issued their own version of the required Separation Notice, which can be found here:



If you have any questions about this requirement, please contact your HR Business Partner at Vida HR.

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Did you know the EEOC released a new required labor law poster?
Know Your Rights

This poster replaces the previous EEO is the Law version. 

***Please note that the EEOC issued a revised version of the poster on 10/20/2022 – any other version is now outdated.  Be sure the version you’ve posted says Revised 10/20/2022 at the bottom of the second page.

You can find it here:  English      Spanish

The new poster should be added to wherever your labor law posters are kept (in a conspicuous location where employees and applicants will typically see it) and you should consider adding it to your website.  You must also notify remote workers about the update and can either provide them with the location on your website or send it to them electronically.

The changes in the new poster include:

  • A QR code for employees to get directly to the EEOC complaint process.

  • Clarifies sex discrimination to include harassment based on pregnancy and related conditions, as well as sexual orientation and gender identity.

  • Includes information about federal contractor equal pay discrimination.


Be sure to update your required poster today!

Colorado Separation Notice Requirement
EEOC Required Poster - "Know Your Rights"
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Compliance Guides

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2023 State/City Minimum Wage & Exempt Salary Threshold
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Update Email and Home Addresses 
for W2 delivery
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W2 Address Update

Have you ever interviewed for a new role within an organization and the recruiter described the company culture as a family? If you’re like me, with experience with these types of cultures, you probably were put off.

What’s Wrong with Family?

Some people may ask themselves: why the thought of a self-described “family”-like culture is so bad?


Ask yourself: does a family fire a member when they aren’t holding up their weight or performing at a satisfactory level within the family unit?


Taking the trash out and cleaning the dishes aren’t the most glamorous of tasks, but I’m not sure anyone should be terminated from the household if they “forget” to do them or slack from time to time. A business is not family. In an organization, leaders must cut loose underperformers and those who break too many rules, which may not be true in a family.

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Loyalty Can Mean Different Things

You have a certain level of loyalty to your family that is not healthy in the workplace. Speaking from a mom’s perspective, the role of a mom never has an end time. From the moment a mom wakes up in the morning, until the moment she goes to bed, she is a mom. Depending on a child’s age, her kiddo may depend on her for literally everything.


Now let’s apply this scenario to work life. Companies that act like a family may come across as having unrealistic expectations when it comes to work-life balance. This may cause employees to feel pressured to deliver an unreasonable degree of loyalty and can blur the line between work and home life. Companies who consider themselves “family” may imply that they expect their employees to never turn off, resulting in longer hours and the overall loss of personal boundaries.


Be a Team, Not a Family

It is understood that many people are employed out of necessity rather than choice. However, employees strive for organizations that care enough about providing a positive working environment. “81% of workers reported they will be looking for workplaces that support mental health in the future” (American Psychological Association's 2022 Work and Well-being Survey).


Companies employing teams united by a common purpose can have some advantages over the competition. They'll be able to take advantage of each other's strengths, learn from varied backgrounds and viewpoints, and be more passionate about the work they do together.


A company's culture can often be determined by the type of people they hire. If a company wants to delineate their culture using a descriptive word, I think “community” is a much better option.


A “community” is a unified body of individuals with common interests living together within a larger society (Websters Dictionary). Basically, it’s a group of people working towards a shared goal; and better yet if the people in the community like each and value each other.

How to Foster a Community

There are a few things that companies can do to foster a sense of community within their teams.​

  • It's important that every member knows the importance of the work being done and how their individual contributions are valued. Driving employees toward a shared purpose is a great way to build an effective, caring community.

  • Organizations must recognize that employees have a life outside of work and respect their personal time. Respecting boundaries leads to better mental health for employees overall.

  • Companies should celebrate employees' successes, both big and small. “An employee who has been recognized is 63% more likely to stay at his or her current job within the next three to six months” (ApolloTechincal).


By taking these steps, employers can create an environment where team members feel like they are part of a community and are more likely to be loyal to the company. The family analogy might work for some organizations, but it falls short when you consider how a real family operates. Remember the saying, family ties that bind? Binding is not ideal for growth and/or development and can have a negative connotation overall.


At the end of the day, the workplace is not a home, but it is where we spend most of our waking hours. While some co-workers or managers may treat you like family, you are also replaceable in the ever-changing world of business! Removing the notion of family from the workplace doesn’t diminish the power of working relationships or the community that has been built, it makes it stronger.

The Dangers of Calling Your Workplace a "Family"

The Dangers of Calling Your Workplace a


By: Lindsay Cook, MS, PHR
Regional Manager, Human Resources


Hello, I'm Rachel!

I’ve worked for Vida HR for almost 9 months as a Human Resources Business Partner. My experience includes working in compliance for a background screening agency, and more recently, in HR and operations for a home healthcare company. I’m grateful to work with the other HR professionals at Vida HR who are smart, talented, and take excellent care of our clients. My PI profile is an Analyzer, which means that I’m intense, have high standards, and have a disciplined and reserved personality. I utilize these traits to strive for providing excellent service to our clients and continual growth and learning.

A little about me:

I am married with three children (two boys and a girl) ages 18, 15, and thirteen. In addition to our family of 5, we have one cat (Gaston). I enjoy spending time with family and friends, running, reading, skiing, and traveling. I like to alternate between fiction and non-fiction to have a good mix of learning and reading for fun. I also like studying languages and geography, which goes well with my love of travel. I would next like to go to Europe and, in addition to seeing some amazing sights, finally get a stamp on my passport!  

Employee Highlight: Rachel
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